Under the Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement (CCRA) , countries agree to recognize Common Criteria (CC) certificates that have been produced by any certificate authorizing participant, in accordance with the terms laid out in the CCRA. Listed below are the certificate authorizing participants, which are responsible for producing CC certificates, and the certificate consuming participants, which agree to recognize CC certificates.
Certificate Authorizing Participants
The following participants produce Common Criteria certificates that are recognized by all signatories to the Arrangement on the Recognition of Common Criteria Certificates, of which they are also a member
Scheme | Contact | Role |
Australia |
Australian Certification Authority (ACA)
Australian Information Security Evaluation Program (AISEP) Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) PO Box 5076 Kingston ACT 2604, Australia ACA.Certifications@defence.gov.au https://www.cyber.gov.au/resources-business-and-government/assessment-and-evaluation-programs/australian-information-security-evaluation-program |
Authorizing |
Canada |
Canadian Common Criteria Scheme
Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, Communications Security Establishment, P.O.Box 9703, Terminal, Ottawa, Canada K1G 3Z4 1.613.991.7654 contact@cyber.gc.ca https://www.cyber.gc.ca/en/tools-services/common-criteria |
Authorizing |
France |
Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information (ANSSI)
Centre de Certification51 Boulevard de La Tour-Maubourg75700 PARIS 07 SPFrance 33.1.71758282 33.1.71758260 certification@ssi.gouv.fr http://www.cyber.gouv.fr/ |
Authorizing |
Germany |
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Zertifizierungsstelle Referat SZ 21 / SZ 22 Godesberger Allee 87 53175 Bonn, Germany +49.228.9582.111 +49.228.9582.5477 Zertifizierung@bsi.bund.de http://www.bsi.bund.de/ |
Authorizing |
India |
Indian Common Criteria Certification Scheme (IC3S)
STQC Dte Min of Electronics and Information Tech Electronics Niketan 6 CGO Complex New Delhi 91 11 24301382 91 11 24363083 suresh@stqc.gov.in http://www.commoncriteria-india.gov.in/ |
Authorizing |
Italy |
Organismo di Certificazione della Sicurezza Informatica (OCSI)
Agenzia per la Cybersicurezza Nazionale - Via di Santa Susanna, 15 - 00187 Rome Italy ocsi@pec.acn.gov.it https://www.ocsi.gov.it/ |
Authorizing |
Japan |
JISEC - Japan IT Security Evaluation and Certification Scheme
IT Security Center, Technology Headquarters Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA) Bunkyo Green Court center office 2-28-8 Hon-Komagome, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113-6591, Japan +81-3-5978-7538 +81-3-5978-7548 jisec@ipa.go.jp https://www.ipa.go.jp/security/jisec/jisec_e/ |
Authorizing |
Malaysia |
CyberSecurity Malaysia
MyCC Scheme Manager, CyberSecurity Malaysia, Level 7 Tower 1, Menara Cyber Axis, Jalan Impact, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia 603 - 8800 7999 603 - 8008 7000 mycc@cybersecurity.my https://iscb.cybersecurity.my/index.php/certification/product-certification/mycc/scheme-background |
Authorizing |
Netherlands |
NSCIB operated by
TrustCB B.V. nscib@trustcb.com https://www.trustcb.com/ |
Authorizing |
Norway |
P.O. Box 814, N-1306 Sandvika, Norway 47 67 86 40 00 47 67 86 40 09 post@sertit.no http://www.sertit.no/ |
Authorizing |
Poland |
NASK National Research Institute
NASK - Panstwowy Instytut Badawczy 12 Kolska Str. 01-045 Warszawa Poland +48 22 380 82 00, +48 22 380 82 04 standard@nask.pl https://en.nask.pl/certification |
Authorizing |
Qatar |
National Cyber Security Agency (NCSA)
Qatar Common Criteria Scheme P.O. Box 24100, Wadi Al Sail Street, Doha, Qatar 974 44652937 qccs@ncsa.gov.qa https://compliance.qcert.org/certification/qccs |
Authorizing |
Republic of Korea |
IT Security Certification Center(ITSCC)
5th Floor, A-dong, 17, Changeop-ro, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea itscc@nsr.re.kr http://itscc.kr |
Authorizing |
Singapore |
Cyber Security Agency of Singapore
5 Maxwell Road, MND Complex +65 6323 5044 +65 6324 0017 certification@csa.gov.sg https://go.gov.sg/common-criteria |
Authorizing |
Spain |
Organismo de Certificación de la Seguridad de las Tecnologías de la Información
Centro Criptológico Nacional Centro Nacional de Inteligencia Ministerio de Defensa C/Argentona 30. 28023 MADRID, Spain organismo.certificacion@ccn.cni.es https://oc.ccn.cni.es |
Authorizing |
Sweden |
Swedish Certification Body for IT Security FMV/CSEC
S-115 88 Stockholm, Sweden +46 8 782 40 00 No fax csec@fmv.se https://www.fmv.se/verksamhet/ovrig-verksamhet/csec/ |
Authorizing |
Turkey |
TSE (Turkish Standards Institution) Common Criteria Certification Scheme
Necatibey Cad. No:112 Bakanliklar 06100 Ankara, TURKEY 90 312 416 64 51 90 312 416 65 07 ccraturkey@tse.org.tr https://en.tse.org.tr/KurumsalSablon?ID=666&ParentID=2312 |
Authorizing |
United States |
National Information Assurance Partnership
Department of Defense ATTN: NIAP, Suite 6982 9800 Savage Road Ft. Meade, MD 20755- 6982 USA niap@niap-ccevs.org https://www.niap-ccevs.org/ |
Authorizing |
Austria |
Federal Chancellery of Austria
Ballhausplatz 2, 1014 Wien Austria +43 (1) 53115 2551 i11@bka.gv.at http://www.digitales.oesterreich.gv.at/ |
Consuming |
Czech Republic |
National Cyber and Information Security Agency
P.O. BOX 17 CZ 616 00 Brno 16 Czech Republic + 420 541 110 777 posta@nukib.cz https://www.nukib.cz/en/ |
Consuming |
Denmark |
Center for Cyber Security
Kastellet 30 DK-2100 Copenhagen Denmark +45 2974 3489 fe-cfcs-it-sikkerhed@cfcs.dk https://www.cfcs.dk |
Consuming |
Ethiopia |
Information Network Security Agency (INSA)
P.O. Box 124498 Addis Ababa Ethiopia +251-11-371-71-14 +251-11-320 40 37 Gebrekidan@insa.gov.et http://www.insa.gov.et |
Consuming |
Finland |
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom)
Postal address: NCSC-FI / CCRA, Traficom P.O.Box 313 00059 TRAFICOM Finland Street address: Traficom Erik Palménin aukio 1 00560 Helsinki Finland +358 295 345 000 +358 295 345 095 ccra@traficom.fi https://www.ncsc.fi/ |
Consuming |
Greece |
National Intelligence Service
Cyber Directorate / Information Assurance 4 P. Kanellopoulou Avenue Athens 10177 Greece +30 210 697 3150-51 infosec@nis.gr http://www.nis.gr/ |
Consuming |
Hungary |
Ministry of National Development
H-1011 Budapest, Fo u. 44-50 36 1 7953442 36 1 7953697 csaba.horvath@nfm.gov.hu http://www.kormany.hu/en/ministry-of-national-development |
Consuming |
Indonesia |
Badan Siber & Sandi Negara ( National Cyber & Crypto Agency ) Indonesia
Jalan Harsono RM 70 Ragunan Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan 12550 Indonesia +62 217 805814 +62 217 884104 idcc@bssn.go.id https://www.bssn.go.id/idcc |
Consuming |
Israel |
The Standards Institution of Israel
Ilan CARMIT Business & Projects Development Manager 42 Lebanon St. 69977 Tel-Aviv Israel +97237454019 +972-3-6467779 carmit@sii.org.il http://www.sii.org.il/20-en/SII_EN.aspx |
Consuming |
New Zealand |
National Cyber Security Centre
National Cyber Security Centre PO Box 12209 Thorndon Wellington 6144 64 4 498 7654 info@ncsc.govt.nz https://www.ncsc.govt.nz/ |
Consuming |
Pakistan |
Ministry of Defence
PO Box 2855 (PC 319) C/O CPO Islamabad Pakistan +92-51-9095395 +92-51-9290751 info@commoncriteria.org.pk http://www.commoncriteria.org.pk/ |
Consuming |
Slovakia |
National Security Authority of Slovakia
Budatínska 30, 851 06 Bratislava Slovakia +421 2 6869 1111 +421 2 6869 1700 podatelna@nbu.gov.sk https://www.nbu.gov.sk/en/index.html |
Consuming |
United Kingdom |
UK IT Security Evaluation and Certification Scheme
NCSC Certification Body, Room A2J, Hubble Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL51 0EX, United Kingdom 44 (0)1242 221491, Ext 30074 44 (0)1242 709194 cc@ncsc.gov.uk http://www.ncsc.gov.uk/ |
Consuming |